Guru Raghvendraswami Mutt

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Shree Raghavendra Swamy Temple

BRINDAVAN OF GURU RAGHAVENDRASWAMI Mantralayam is the abode of Guru Raghavendraswami, an eminent pontiff of the Dwaita philosophy enunciated by Shri Madhwacharya. This serene village on the banks of river Tungabhadra was originally known as Manchala, after the presiding deity of the village. The holy place, in Kurnool district of Andhra Pradesh, now witnesses a never ending stream of devotees of Guru Raghavendra round the year. A unique feature of this place is that Shri Raghavendra himself selected the village for his Brindavana Pravesha and even the place for his Samaadhi. Legends glorify this sacred soil as the land where child devotee Prahlada performed yagna, and it is believed that Sri Raghavendra was himself Prahlada in his previous birth. Guru Raghavendraswami As a result of a boon granted by the Lord of Shri Tirupati at Venkateshvara, in 1595 A.D., a son was born to Tammanna and his wife Gopamma at Tanjavur on the banks of river Cauvery. Because of the boon the boy was named Venkatanatha. His ancestors were illustrious Brahmins and renowned veena players in the court of Vijayanagara rulers. As a boy, he lost his parents at a very young age and was brought up by his sister and brother-in-law, Lakshmi Narasimhachar, at Madurai. In a very young age, Venkatanatha mastered the Vedas, Shastras, music and especially Amarakosha, which sharpened his lexical knowledge. Later Venkatanatha married a virtuous woman by name Saraswathi Bai. He wanted to pursue his education and came to Kumbakonam, where Guru Sudhindra Theertha, a renowned Madhva Peethadhipati was the head of the Kumbakonam Mutt. Here Venkatanathas commentary on Sudha, a religious text, was highly appreciated. He participated in many religious debates and earned titles like Parimalacharya and Maha Bhashyacharya from his Guru. But Venkannas personal life was filled with miseries, for he could not earn enough to sustain his wife and his son Lakshmi Narayana.

Guru Sudhindra was ageing and the time had come for him to attain the Lords Lotus Feet. He selected Venkatanatha as His successor to the Peeta. Venkanna was in a dilemma. He was worried about the future of his son and wife. Later he took Sanyasa, for Goddess Saraswathi Herself had ordained him in a dream to accept the Peetha. He obeyed the order of his Guru and became the Mathadhipati. His guru renamed him as Raghavendraswami. Thus Raghavendraswami lived a hundred years and his contributions to Advaita philosophy are held in high esteem. His works on Gita, Upanishads, Brahmasutra and various commentaries on the works of Shri Madhwacharya are greatly venerated. Puja Schedule Generally, the temple is open between 6 a.m. to 2 p.m. Noon. It closes from 2 p.m. to 4 p.m. and reopens from 4 p.m. to 9 p.m. Few years back the golden chariot was added and is a splendor to watch it come round the prakara (courtyard). Silver and wooden Chariots are also there and it is a divine feeling to watch it roll round the temples prakara.

Southern India