Durga Parameshwari Temple

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Legend Of Durgaparmeshwari Temple

River Nandini is considered the daughter of the Divine Cow Kamadhenu. When Bhooloka was going through a famine, Rishi Japali invoked Devendra and requested Him to send Kamadhenu to relieve Bhooloka of its suffering. Since Kamadhenu was engaged in a yaga in the Varunaloka, Devendra decided to send its calf Nandini. When Nandini refused to proceed to Bhooloka, Rishi Japali got angry and cursed the Divine Calf that She be born as a river. When Nandini sought Devi Parashaktis intervention, She persuaded Nandini to go to Bhooloka and promised to come there later.

Meanwhile, in Bhooloka, a demon by name Arunasura was playing havoc. When the Rishis invoked Lord Narayana for help, He sent Devi Parashakti. She assumed a beautiful form, and the Asura started following Her. She reached a rock in the midst of the Nandini river and disappeared. A disappointed demon pierced the rock with his sword. The Devi emerged in the form of a bee, killed Arunasura and settled down in the midst of the Nandini river as Bhramarambika. Hence the Goddess is also worshipped as Arunasura Mardhini.

Southern India