Devi Sarada Temple

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Legend Of Sharadha Temple

The shrine of Devi Sarada originally consisted of a yantra made by Adi Sankara on a rock in the middle of the Tunga river with a sandalwood image installed on it. The shrine was initially covered by a thatched roof.

The present golden image of the Goddess dates back to the period of Sri Vidyaranya, the 12th pontiff (1380 AD 1386 AD) of the Sri Sarada Peeta. He added a tiled roof which existed till about 1907, when the 33rd Acharya, Sri Sacchidananda Shivabhinava Narasimha Bharati (1879-1912), started building a proper temple. But the work remained unfinished at the time of his siddhi.

His successor and the 34th Acharya, Sri Chandrasekhara Bharati III (1912-1954), completed the shrine. A grand kumbhabhisheka was performed in the year 1916. The present temple structure is in the modern-day Naattukottai Chetti style.

Southern India