Chakrapani Temple

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About Temple

Chakrapani temple is considered to be one of the most important Vishnu temples in South India, along with Srirangam and Tirupati. Seven of the Alwars sang the glories of this temple. Lord Sarangapani is the presiding Deity of the temple. Most of the temple was built by the Nayak kings between the 13th and 17th centuries, but the central shrine dates to the end of the Chola period. There are two entrances for entering the central shrine of the temple.You enter the southern entrance during the dakshinayana period, when the sun is in the Southern Hemisphere and the northern entrance during the period of uttarayana, when the sun is in the northem hemisphere. DIVINESS OF THE TEMPLE: The images of Chakrapani and with 8 arms and Sudarshanavalli Thayar with a gracious visage are inspiring. Brahma, Surya and Agni are depicted as worshipping the Lord. According to legend, Surya once competed with Vishnu to decide who was brighter. Vishnu appeared in the form of a Chakra and put down the pride of Surya. Like Shiva, Lord Chakrapani has a third eye on His forehead. AUSPICIOUS DAYS: Satuardays are special, Vaikunda Ekadasi and Masi maham are other famous festivals celebrated in this Temple.

Southern India