Birth Place Of Sri Shankra

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Legend Of Kaladi Temple

The village of Kalady, meaning 'Feet', was earlier known as "Sasalam." There is a touching story explaining how Kalady got the new name. The story goes somewhat like this. One day, Aryadevi, the widowed mother of little Shankaracharya fainted while walking the 3 km stretch for her daily bath in the Poorna River. Feeling helpless, Shankaracharya asked his favorite deity Lord Krishna for assistance.

The Lord blessed him saying, "The River will flow where your little feet marks." Young Shankaracharya marked his little feet on the ground and the Kerala's mighty Periyar River took its new course from where his feet were marked. From that time onwards, the place came to be known as 'Kalady. Thus, the term 'Kalady' signifies the love of an innocent child for his beloved mother and the blessings of Lord Krishna.

Southern India