Kapaleeswarar Temple

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Legend Of Kapaleeswarar Temple

The legend that underlines the making of this temple involves a minor misdemeanor by Goddess Parvati for which she had to go through a trying penance. Once Parvatis attention was diverted from Shiva to a peacock dancing beautifully at a distance. Shiva felt jealous and cursed her that she turn in to a peahen. Parvathi Devi incarnated as a peahen, came to Mylapore then known as Kapali-Nagar and started penance as advised by Shiva. After many years of rigorous penance Parvati got rid of her sin and rejoined Lord Shiva. As Parvathi conducted penance here in the form of a mayil (pea hen) the place came to be known as Mylapore. The mother in this temple is known as Kalpakavalli.

Southern India