Annapoorneshwari Temple

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Legend Of Annapoorneswari Temple

Everyone who visits Horanadu Annapoorna temple is provided with a three course vegetarian meal (excluding a dessert made from Dhal or Lentils) irrespective of their religion, language, caste, or creed. Male visitors to the temple have to remove their shirts and preferably cover their shoulders with a towel or a shawl as a symbol of respect and humility in front of god. The main deity of Annapoorna is made of gold and she looks so beautiful. A sense of fulfilment is felt when a person visits this temple and it is said that a person who seeks the goddess blessings would never have any scarce for food in life. It seems lord Shiva once had a curse and the same got reversed when he visited Goddess annapoorna and seeked her blessings.

Southern India