Sri Ranganathaswamy Temple

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Legend Of Ranganathswamy Temple

legend has it that Lord Maha Vishnu along with Sridevi wanted to visit Bhoolokha (planet earth) for that he has directed Adi Sheshu (five headed serpent) to become his place of residence on earth, where Adi Sheshu turned to a mountain on earth. And the serpent king "Phani Raju" along with his consort paid his respects to the lord. The lord happy with "Phani Raju's" offerings blessed him that the place would become famous as "Talpa Giri" Kshetram (Kshetram means place). Sage Kashyapa on his pilgrimage to various sacred places reached this place and performed Poundarika Yaga and on the day of Eka Dasi god manifested in front of him and blessed him with kashayapa's desire that God shall shower the same kindness and blessings to all devotees at par with self manifested sacred places in other parts of the country. In the 7th and 8th centuries BC, The kings of Simhapuri have commissioned lords deity here. Later 12th century BC, king Raja Mahendra Varma Raja Raja Narendra made some improvements like building the lords sanctum sanctorum at the premises.

Southern India