Ramalingeswara Temple

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Bugga Ramalingeswara Swami Temple

The Bugga Ramalingeswara Swami temple or just Ramalingeswara Swami temple is another famous temple dedicated to Lord Shiva, known for its architecture and sanctity. The prominence of this temple is that there is a perennial underground stream from which water always creeps into the Garbha Griha exactly at the spot where the Lingam is hallowed. The Lingam is said to be Swayambhu (self-manifested). Local legends has it that the temple stands on the same spot where sage Parasurama lived and performed penance. On the walls of the temple you can find the entire Shiva Purana delicately carved and elaborately explained. Also, some sculptures illustrate the episode from Ramayana and Mahabharata. It is said that Yellanchari, a sculptor from Benaras, was brought to construct this temple.

Southern India