Krishna Temple Udupi

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Krishna Temple Udupi

Shree Krishna Temple Udipi is first among the seven places of pilgrimages. Thousands of pious devotees throng the Udupi Krishna temple all round the year to catch a glimpse of Lord Krishna. The unique feature of Shree Krishna Mutt temple is that the Lord is worshipped only through a window with nine holes called the Navagraha Kitiki. The window is exquisitely carved and silver - plated. It has been a tradition in this temple to worship the Lord only through this window.

Situated to the west of this is the Kanakadasa Mandapa. When Kanakadasa came to this village, he was not allowed to enter the shrine as he belonged to a low caste. He continued to worship the Lord standing outside and singing His glory. One day, to the surprise of all, the western wall gave way on its own and the Lords image turned towards this opening. Kanakadasa had the special privilege of worshipping Sri Krishna in full view. Since then the tradition here has been to worship the Lord only through this window.

Pujas & rituals: The temple opens at 4 am to the accompaniment of conch and Nagari sounds and Vedic chants. A series of pujas and abhisekas are performed to the Lord. The Nirmalya Visarjan is followed by Ushatkala puja, Panchamritha puja, Udhwardhana puja, Kalasa puja, Go (cow) puja, Alankara puja and Maha puja. After these, Brindavana puja takes place. Devotees are fed at the end of the pujas. Evening pujas start at 4.30 pm. These include Samara Seva, Ranga Seva and Seevili Seva. The deity is then kept on a silver palanquin and taken in a procession round the sanctum. This is known as Ekanta puja, when the Lord is kept on a silver bed.

Chenna Keshava shrine: It is situated behind the main sanctum. Here, the Lord is seen with Shanku, Chakra, Gadha and Lotus in His hands, as He gave darshan to Kanakadasa. Behind this is the eastern entrance of the sanctum, which is open only on Vijayadashami day. On the corridors, there are images of Garudalwar and Hanuman. The two corridors, Suryachala and Chandrachala, are used for cultural and religious purposes. A Tulsi Brindavanam, situated near the Dwajasthamba, is held in high reverence.

Krishna temple udupi a 12-day festival is held during November- December. Madhwa shrine: The shrine of the founder of Udupi temple is situated next to the sanctum. There are images of Sri Vadiraja and Lord Subramanya on the outer corridor. The silver Simhasana, used by Sri Madhwa, is held very sacred. Only the Paryaya Swamiji will be seated on this while blessing the devotees. Madhwa Sarovar: The holy Ganga is said to appear in this tank once in 12 years. Eight Mutts: Udupi is the seat of Vaishnavite Bhakti cult. The Dwaita Siddhanta of Sri Madhwa is propagated as a glorious tradition by the eight mutts established by the Guru at Udupi. The mutts are Palimar Mutt, Krishnapura Mutt, Sothe Mutt, Puthige Mutt, Sirur Mutt, Kaniyur Mutt, Admar Mutt and Pejawar Mutt. The heads of these mutts take full responsibility for the various pujas and rituals of Sri Krishna temple. Only Bala Sanyasis are selected to head the mutts and perform pujas at the temple. Paryaya festival: Each of the eight mutts is given a two-year term by turns in service of Lord Krishna. The Paryaya festival, the most important one in the temple, is held once in two years around January, when there is a ceremonial change of the head priest, called the Paryaya Swamiji.

Southern India