Air : Nearest airport is Jolly Grant, 18 kms from Rishikesh.
Rail : Nearest railhead is a Rishikesh, 250 kms.
Road : The road to Yamunotri diverts at Dharasu, on way to Uttarkashi.
Important road distances are : Hanumanchatti 14 kms; Dharasu 107 kms; Tehri 149 kms.
Bus Hanumanchatti, the roadhead for Yamunotri is connected by bus services of Samyukt Rotation Yatayat Vyavastha Samiti to Rishikesh, Haridwar and other major centres in the region.
Important Road Distances : Rishikesh to Yamunotri 222 kms via Narendranagar 16 kms., Chamba 46 kms., Tehri 21 kms., Dharasu 42 kms., Bhramkhal 15 kms., Barkot 40 kms., Phoolchatti 5 kms., Jankichatti 3 kms. Yamunotri 6 kms. (14 kms. on foot from Hanumanchatti).
Altitude of Places Enroute :
S. Place Altitude (mts.) S. Place Altitude (mts.)
1. Rishikesh 0,340
2. Narendranagar 1,067
3. Chamba 1,524
4. Tehri 0,770
5. Dharasu 1,036
6. Bhramkhal 1,158
7. Barkot 1,828
8. Sayanachatti 1,982
9. Hanumanchatti 2,134
10. Phoolchatti 2,561
11. Jankichatti 2,676
12. Yamunotri 3,235
Accommodation : Only Dharamshalas are available at Yamunotri. Alternative accommodation available. There is a Tourist Rest House (GMVN) at Janki Chatti.