Shri Narasimha Saraswati Swami Dattadeva Temple

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Legend Of Narsobawadi

It is said that Dattadeva, -the unity of the three gods Brahama, Vishnu and Shiva was borne by the ancient sage Atri and his wife Anusuya. This was in the Satya Yuga. Shripad was the earthly form of Dattadeva in the Kaliyuga. Shripad was born in the present state of TamilNadu to a brahmin couple Raja and Sumati. He took the vow of Brahmacharya early, saying that he was the husband (Vallabh) of the Goddess Yogashri and hence came to be called Shripad ShriVallabh. He went about leading the life of a wandering ascetic. In his wanderings he met, a widow Amba. Tired of her troublesome and unworthy son, Amba wished to end her life. Shripad ShriVallabh blessed her son and reformed him. Amba too, asked him for a boon that she become a mother of an illustrious son of god in her next birth.He granted her the wish. In her next birth she was reborn in a Brahmin family. She married Shri Madhavrao Kale in the town of Karanj. As promised by Shripad ShriVallabh she delivered a son called Narhari. Initially this child would not talk, the only word he uttered was Om. At the age of seven he explained to his mother with gestures that his thread ceremony needed to be done. During the thread ceremony, as the mother began giving alms to the Brahmins, to their surprise, the child started reciting the Vedas. He now asked his mothers permission to go to Kashi to learn the Vedas. The mother was sad and afraid to send such a small child to Kashi. He then put his hand on the mothers forehead and reminded her of her own past birth and who he was. He also reassured her that soon she would beget four sons and a daughter. In about a years time his mother delivered twin boys. Thus Narhari left to do penance in the holy town of Kashi.There, he had the fortune of meeting his guru Shri KrishnaSaraswati. After learning from him, he started calling himself Shri Narsimha Saraswati. When he came back to his parents town, he blessed his parents with freedom from the cycle of birth and death. He then took up a life of a wandering saint, attending to peoples sufferings, and performing miracles to help the troubled. It was in these wanderings that he came to Narsinhawadi. Shri Narsimha Saraswati Swami resided in Narsimhawadi from 1422 to 1434,i.e. for twelve years.

Western India