Lord Jagannath Temple

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Legend Of Jaganathpur Temple

There are a few legends regarding the origin of the Jagannath temple at Jagannathpur.An Oraon servant of the Thakur of Barkagarh Estate, within which Jagannathpur falls, had accompanied the Thakur to Puri. The Oraon servant had become an ardent devotee of Lord Jaganath at Puri and fasted continuously for seven days and nights. After a weeks fast he felt hungry, it was mid-night when he asked for food when everyone was asleep. He muttered a few words that he was hungry and suddenly he saw a man bringing him food and water in gold vessels. Next morning the temple authorities found that the gold vessels, which were the property of the Mandir, were missing from the locked room. The servant came to know of the commotion about the theft and produced the gold vessels which had been left by his side. Every one understood that Lord Jagannath Himself had brought food to him in the gold vessels. Next night the Thakur had a dream that he must construct a temple of Jagannath and enshrine the images of Jagannath, Balabhadra and Subharda at Jagannathpur. On his return the Thakur did so. The second legend, which is more current among the non-tribal people, is that the Thakur was a devotee of Lord Jagannath and used to go to Puri frequently for darshan. He was being harassed by the horse-men of the Peshwas frequently and he prayed to Lord Jaganath for help. The enemies were routed and after this the Thakur built the temple at Jagannathpur. The third legend is that the Thakur had a dream in which Lord Jagannath Himself directed him to build a temple at Jagannathpur, which he did.

Eastern India